Every organization has leaders – multiple leaders and at different levels. Executive leaders set the course for the overall organization. People leaders set the course for their team members. The best organizations, and especially great Christian organizations, blend what’s best for their organization and the development of their people to deliver amazing outcomes for their customers or clients. But without leadership, people fail – as do organizations.
Where there is no guidance, a people fall, but in an abundance of counselors there is safety.
Proverbs 11:14
People need leadership. In their daily lives and in their careers. Leaders pull from their experience to drive organizations to new heights – often taking employees with them. The two are not mutually exclusive.
Great leaders want what’s best for their employees in the short term while providing a path for growth and development, nurturing them through growing pains, and setting them up for long-term success. These leaders embrace the success of their team members. They are not jealous. They don’t envy subordinate success or sabotage individuals for personal gain.
And the most successful people have had multiple leaders positively influence their careers. There may be one or two that they can point to as being most influential, but there are typically many instances of leaders that impact a person’s success.
Proverbs tells us that people fall when they have no guidance and success ensues through an abundance of experienced counselors. This holds true in life and business. While there must be a hierarchy, each level of leadership must recognize and embrace its role in the development of people.
Jesus was unquestionably the leader of his Disciples. But he sent the twelve out — as sheep amongst the wolves – to lead and to tell of all they had seen. Through their travels, the twelve developed followers and additional leaders grew from their teachings. And the Christian faith grew through the abundance of wise counselors.
Finding, vetting, and securing the right leaders for your organization can be a daunting task and it’s vital to secure the right leaders at all levels of your organization. Your leaders must understand the impact they can have on the team they’re leading.
FaithSearch consultants bring more than 130 years of cumulative experience in faith-based executive search. If you’re looking for differential leaders throughout your organization that can have a positive impact on your people and community, FaithSearch excels in securing leaders for nonprofit, higher education, and healthcare organizations.
Contact the FaithSearch team today for more information.
Photo by Zac Durant on Unsplash