FSP Leaders, a FaithSearch Partners affiliate firm, is delighted to announce its partnership with VolunteerNow in launching the search for the national non-profit organization’s next Chief Executive Officer. VolunteerNow is a national thought leader focused on transforming lives through volunteers. The organization’s programs and services connect nonprofits to free workshops, support teachers and students in the classroom, and provide volunteer infrastructure to organizations seeking to build their capacity to address community needs.
Headquartered in Dallas, Texas, VolunteerNow is one of the largest volunteer centers in the country. The organization provides volunteer recruitment and mission-driven management software system, Voly.org, to support and leverage over four decades of expertise in volunteer engagement. In coordinating volunteer connections to service opportunities, VolunteerNow has facilitated the contribution of more than 300,000 volunteers delivering more than 150 million hours of cost-free service to a variety of non-profit service organizations, schools, and mobilizing partners. It is expected that this footprint can continue to grow through targeted business development efforts and by expanding to other markets.
The Board has launched this search in advance of the planned retirement later this year of current CEO, Tammy Richards, who has served in the role since 2013. The next CEO will play a vital role in providing oversight for and advancing of VolunteerNow’s mission by assessing all aspects of the organization, working with the Board and other stakeholders to adjust strategy as needed, and implementing a comprehensive plan for growth and operational success.
For more information and confidential inquiries, contact Zándra Bishop (zbishop@fspleaders.com) or Greg Barnes (gbarnes@fspleaders.com).