Leaders must seek honor over victory. Victories that sacrifice honor allow toxicity to infuse our people and our programs.
The most recent issue of the Harvard Business Review focuses on managing talent and what most companies get wrong in this space.
For transitional and transcendent questions, press them through the four-way grid and measure your decisions. You’ll be better for it.
Marketers remind us of the importance of simplifying our institution’s narrative – make it plain based on the ancient words from Habakkuk 2:2.
Never structure your life such that, if God chooses to change things, it will make you uncomfortable. Be open to the possibilities of change.
Succession planning is desired but succession success is generally considered outside the scope of direct faculty involvement.
Great leaders understand chemistry and the right leaders will foster chemistry within your leadership team and throughout your organization.
Universities need a harmony of understanding between their board and faculty and consistent efforts in bridging the gap.
Discernment, being able to grasp and comprehend what is obscure, is among the most important qualities needed when seeking new leadership.
Here’s a 30-second graduation speech with nine lessons for college graduates. Adding illustrations would only weaken the points!
On April Fools’ Day, let’s consider a few of the ways that older leaders may use their experience to avoid foolishness.
Every minute counts in all aspects of our lives. Whether for good or for bad, every minute counts, regardless of what we do with it.