New Horizons for Children (NHFC) is an international hosting program for orphaned children, working with families from across the United States. This organizations coordinates the hosting of orphans from Latvia and Ukraine, providing families the unique ministry opportunity to share Christ’s love with orphans for a 4-5 week visit during the summer and around Christmas. After an organizational restructuring, NHFC has created the role of Chief Executive Officer as an external facing leader for this ministry. The CEO will manage all aspects of this organization, including representing the organization to all outside agencies such as the Board of Directors, U.S. and foreign governments and mission partners.
The new Chief Executive Officer should have prior experience in executive leadership, managing volunteers, and fundraising, as well as strong interpersonal skills. Experience working with international governments and social service organizations is a plus. In addition to the above, the CEO should have a direct connection to, and passion for, orphan care, either through adoption, hosting, or mission work, and be a demonstrated Christian with a missional focus.