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SEARCH COMPLETE – Major Christian Radio Station Begins Search for VP/General Manager

WGTS_LogoMaryland-based WGTS 91.9 FM has just announced it will be conducting a nationwide search for a new Vice President/General Manager. Ed Fry, President of faith-based executive search firm FaithSearch Partners, will oversee the search engagement.

WGTS is the second-largest non-commercial Christian radio station in the nation. With nearly 600,000 weekly listeners in the Washington, D.C./Baltimore market, the station has grown to consistently rank in the market’s top 10.

WGTS has enjoyed a history of financial strength, which has allowed the station to actively pursue its mission of introducing listeners to the love of Christ and engaging them in a non-judgmental relationship. To this end, WGTS is currently pursing a three-pronged strategy, which includes initiatives on air, online and on the ground.

The VP/GM will assume the station’s key leadership role and he or she will be responsible for managing all operational and strategic functions within the organization.

“Prospects include individuals with a strong background in radio broadcast leadership and expertise in all areas of the business, financial and regulatory operations of a large-market station,” said Fry. “We are also looking for value-added leadership qualities. Ideal candidates will be passionate about Christian radio ministry and possess both the visionary and operational skills necessary to create a dynamic, inspirational worship experiences across all WGTS platforms.”

For more detailed information or to refer a potential candidate, please contact Ed Fry, FaithSearch at All inquiries and transmissions are confidential.

FaithSearch Partners is one of the nation’s leading retained executive search firms and is the only one of its kind focused exclusively on identifying and recruiting leaders for churches, parachurch organizations, as well as faith-based hospitals and healthcare systems. Combined, consultants at FaithSearch Partners have successfully managed more than 450 executive-level searches for numerous high-profile faith-based organizations across the country. Its website can be found at

WGTS 91.9 FM was founded more than 40 years ago and is wholly owned by Washington Adventist University, which serves as the station’s licensee along with the Columbia Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. WGTS is the second-largest non-commercial Christian radio station in the United States. With nearly 600,000 weekly listeners in the Washington, D.C./Baltimore market, the station has consistently ranked in the market’s top 10 and has occasionally been ranked number one in the evening slot with its target audience. In addition, the station is frequently heard in many Congressional and other federal government offices. More information can be found on the station’s website.


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