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Honor over Victory

Sitting in a room with a group of university presidents this week, I heard one of them offer the prophetic comment, “we must seek honor over victory.” The room was quiet as we each contemplated the ways in which we have sometimes failed to live out the truth our friend imparted to us.

Wins are significant for our institutions, and leadership is charged with charting strategies that lead to victories. Winning is fun. But victories that sacrifice honor allow toxicity to infuse our people and our programs. As leaders, we must listen to that still, small voice (and those wise people in our path) saying, “think twice about this decision.”

At FaithSearch Partners, we support executive searches by following honorable, ethical standards as we interact with institutions and prospective candidates. FaithSearch consultants bring over 130 years of cumulative search experience in faith-based executive search. If you’re in the market for new leadership that will have a lasting impact throughout your organization, on your people, and in your community, FaithSearch excels in securing leaders for higher education organizations.

To learn more about FaithSearch Partners, visit Visit our services page to learn more about what our service lines can do for you.


Photo by Engin Akyurt on Pexels

The W.O.M.E.N. of Christian Leadership
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Andy Westmoreland

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