Recently FaithSearch Senior Vice President Jeff Jernigan and his wife, Vice President Nancy Jernigan, spoke on the topic of marriage at the main stage of megachurch Saddleback Church in Southern California. In the presentation, they discussed the application of “I Choose Us©” to relationships, especially marriage. Their connection with Saddleback began with research for a new book years ago. Nancy served on staff while Jeff served as a hospital administrator until they were called away to turn around an Evangelical Friends Church as well as build out, accredit, and license a faith-based behavioral health hospital. Returning in recent years to Saddleback Valley, Nancy is volunteer staff with Saddleback, and Jeff consults internationally with pastors, churches, and denominations.
Saddleback Church is a Southern Baptist megachurch located in Lake Forest, California, founded by Rick Warren in 1980. With 13 regional campuses and weekly church attendance averaging 20,000 people, it is the seventh-largest church in the United States.