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FaithSearch Continues Major Sponsorship of National Healthcare Conference

FaithSearch Vice President Jim Boyle represented the firm at the 2015 Catholic Health Assembly June 7-9 in Washington, D.C., which marks the sixth consecutive year the company has sponsored the event. Hosted by the Catholic Health Association of the United States (CHA), the assembly brings together leaders in Catholic health care from around the country to enrich the community through education, outreach, worship and celebration.

This year’s event featured a closing keynote address from President Obama to about 1000 senior leaders in Catholic health care on health care reform, in which he specifically thanked CHA members for working toward change and caring for the poor and vulnerable.

“We look forward to attending and sponsoring the assembly each year. Because our work focuses on the faith-based healthcare industry we are always eager to connect with fellow faith-driven leaders,” said Jim Boyle. “We enjoy connecting with people in the Catholic Health Association and seeing how they are using their love for the Lord to serve others well.”

FaithSearch Partners have sponsored a booth at the conference for the past five years, and this year is particularly unique as it is part of CHA’s 100th anniversary celebration. The assembly features keynote speakers discussing best practices, sharing innovative approaches to providing quality care, and refreshing the spirit behind what Catholic-based providers are all about. Other keynote speakers this year included Archbishop Blase J. Cupich (Archdiocese of Chicago), Dr. Molly Joel Coye (Chief Innovation Officer, Institute  for Innovation in Health, UCLA Health), and Dr. Atul Gawande (Professor, Harvard School of Public Health and Harvard Medical School; Surgeon, Researcher and Best-Selling Author).

Learn more about the assembly by visiting the event site.



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