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Long ago, one of my mentors had a post-it note attached to the corner of his computer monitor, on which he had written the words “every minute counts.” I recall sitting in his office one day, staring at the post-it note and asking, “Don’t you mean ‘make every minute count’”?

“No,” he said, “because every minute counts, whether for good or for bad. Every minute counts, regardless of what we do with it.”

In the quarter-century since that exchange with a friend, I’d like to say that I’ve used all the intervening millions of minutes for good. I haven’t, but I’ve never forgotten the simple, sober lesson I learned that day.

In the personal, career, and spiritual aspects of our lives, every minute counts. Strung together over the arc of a lifetime, a disciplined, thoughtful approach to using those minutes for goodness will account for what David Brooks calls “eulogy virtues,” as opposed to “resume virtues.”

By the way, March contains 44,640 minutes. They’ve already begun to count.

The right leadership will make every minute count in propelling your organization to the next level. FaithSearch consultants bring over 130 years of cumulative search experience in faith-based executive search. If you’re in the market for new leadership that will have a lasting impact throughout your organization, on your people, and in your community, FaithSearch excels in securing leaders for higher education organizations.

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Photo by DAVIDCOHEN on Unsplash

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