You sit down to start fresh on a new resumé. The job sounds perfect for you, and it’s a step up from your current position. You dust off the template and start typing underneath your job title: managing day-to-day operations…conducting performance reviews…developing strategy…
You’re already at a disadvantage.
What you’re writing is not a resumé. It’s a job description.
One of the biggest mistakes executives make when pursuing a new position is treating their resumé like a laundry list of job descriptions instead of showing potential employers what they’re capable of. To make a resumé truly speak volumes, executives must create a report that focuses on his or her accomplishments — what they have done, not what they do.
“It’s a common misconception,” said Ed Fry, President of FaithSearch Partners. “Resumés have been done in a certain way so long that people do it out of habit without considering the strategy behind them. Your resumé is your first impression, so it should be unique to you, not describe the same responsibilities another person at another company has.”
Remember, you’re trying to prove your value to the company and what you bring to a team. The hiring team is going to want to know what you’ve contributed in the past to decide whether or not they need your skill set in their arsenal.
This subtle but substantial difference can make or break your consideration as a top candidate. After all, which is more interesting: “develop strategy” or “developed marketing strategy resulting in a 10 percent increase in revenue”?
“As an executive search firm, we are not looking for the theoretical,” said Jeff Jernigan, Senior Vice President at FaithSearch. “We’re looking for details. What are you good at? What did you bring to the table? Why can’t this company afford to pass you up? Those are the kinds of things that set you apart.”
A resumé should not read like it was copied and pasted from the original job descriptions. Craft a memorable resume by including specific, tangible accomplishments from previous jobs as well as your current one, highlighting those most impactful and relevant to the desired position. Looking at your resumé in a new way will put you head and shoulders above the curve.